I believe that people have a lot to learn from the youth in our country.

I have lived in Carlisle my entire life, but this is the first time I’ve taken an active role in the community. I started school at Saint Patrick Catholic School where I was taught fairly conservative values, but as I learned more about myself and I what I truly valued, my viewpoints changed.

Carlisle is such a great place to live. I love how diverse the community is and how many different opinions and belief systems we have that make up our town. No matter who you ask in Carlisle, they will always have a different viewpoint, a different way of life, and a different story.

In Carlisle, and especially in our country, I have seen division take form over political and social issues. As a community, Carlisle has overcome this by being very accepting of everyone. Unfortunately, I believe that this is something which is lacking in the rest of our country.

I really hope that our community and the rest of the country listens. Most importantly, I hope people start taking an active part in listening to us, the youth in the community, and our message. I believe that people have a lot to learn from the youth in our country, and that our voices truly do matter in conversations related to politics and social issues. By taking a stand and an active role in our community, I hope that we as a generation of people can inspire others to spark change and also take strong, active roles in their communities around the world. – Kyle Vaughn, Senior at Carlisle High School, Age 17