What Carlisle means to me is a good question. My answer has changed and evolved over the years, having lived in the area since I was 8. My perspective really changed after I moved to Colorado after college, just for a few months, and I came back home and realized that Carlisle actually is a really cool place and it’s a place that I was plugged in to. Certainly having a business in Carlisle I see how supportive the town’s been in that endeavor, but also what kind of change we can have with the town. So, it’s exciting to see other businesses thrive. People create new things for Carlisle. There’s definitely this entrepreneurial spirit in the town: the breweries, gyms, and stores like ours that are trying to just make it and be plugged in. It’s not enough to just be here for people, you want to actually be part of the fabric of the community. As far as things to do and the outdoors, I think people are really realizing how great it is to be around here. – Josh Beck and Doug Fickel, Appalachian Running Company